The Reason We Have High Gas Prices

Gas prices are at an all time high without symptoms of price reductions. This problem has created several countries reconsider their strategies on this ongoing issue. Politicians and Democrats blame oil companies in the skyrocketing fuel prices.

Oil companies are raising gas and oil prices for getting maximum profits. Next, blaming on oil companies is not the solution, mainly because it only will enhance the existing problems of rising fuel and oil prices. In addition, providing $100 rebate is not really an alternative either. By relaxing clean air rules, the us government is wanting to relieve the charge engaged in producing gas.

These are definitely temporary measures used so as to reduce fuel prices. Rather then addressing the down sides honestly, politicians are attempting their best to get votes by designing false promises with the name of reducing fuel prices.

Factors Responsible For Price Hikes:

The price tag on oil plays a serious role in contributing towards increasing fuel prices. deliverance and Production of your single gallon of fuel involves severe costs. Examples of these are costs of crude oil to refineries, refining costs and profits, distribution and marketing costs, state and federal taxes.

The price oil has doubled over the last two year period. It has also affected the oil exporting countries. A major dispute rose inside supply distributions during the Gulf of Nigeria and Mexico. Whenever we have a major dispute, oil companies bid for the buying price of a barrel. The recent dispute is passed Uranium enrichment and increasing poor relations in Venezuela.

The next major factor for increase in gas price is the growing demand around the world. Need for cars has risen in China and India. U.S. in turn needs to find them from another oil exporting countries to get to know the increasing demand, because they countries purchase oil with the Usa. Sales of super cars have risen greatly. As an illustration, people nowadays go on to purchase SUVs that consume more gas than regular cars.

Output of crude oil is badly affected as well as decreased in quantity, as reserves have gotten empty and environmentalists banned new drillings. Many refineries are apprehensive to change to Ethanol, simply because of its excessive cost. California experiences higher fuel prices, due to its distance coming from the Gulf of Mexico pipelines and strict fuel requirements.

Environmentalists have banned additional refineries, which are contributing to the current price rise. Additional refineries are of huge importance to extract fuel, without which this is a bit impossible to cut back the rising fuel prices.

Finally, boost in fuel prices rely on the supply and need for this system. Current economic conditions and weak Usa dollar also contributed to hike in fuel prices. Natural calamities such as floods and hurricanes too contributed to the increasing prices in oil. For more information about Die Erdgaspreise im Vergleich online click here.